Traditional Artwork

A bird, a Willow, and something that is most certainly NOT a kangaroo

First up: I drew a bird. I think it’s like…a raven, or something? Maybe a crow? So, yeah, I didn’t know I could draw birds without references until today.

Next, this is Willow! I’m sure if you’ve looked at my other posts, you’ve heart that I’m obsessed with Twelve. Here’s a drawing of my favorite vessel. And no, he does not have front legs. That’s part of his story. He belongs to PetPyves, who can be found on DeviantArt, YouTube, and more.

Last but certainly not least is this serval! No, GRISHAM, it’s a serval, not a kangaroo. Does anyone else think this looks like a kangaroo? No? Good. Anyway, he’s a new OC of mine.

Traditional Artwork

Bird Sketches

Just some little sketches I did. I used references for most of them, but I drew the one in the top right corner without one. I hope you like them!

Sketches of birds