Artwork Traditional Artwork

Cat Sketches

Just some kitties I drew to practice exaggeration/stylization.

Artwork Traditional Artwork

Mirabelle and Avery

My friends made these two characters—Mirabelle and her son Avery—who I thought were just so adorable. The three of us each drew this same picture of them, and it was really cool to see how they each came out!

Artwork Traditional Artwork


“[I would like to be remembered] just as someone who did whatever she could, with whatever limited talent she had, to move society along in the direction I would like it to be for my children and grandchildren.”
~ Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Artwork Traditional Artwork

Graffiti Tag

I’m really loving my art class so far this year. My teacher is just wonderful, and the material were covering seems like it’s going to be very fun. Online learning can’t stop us artists from doing what we love!

The first project we were assigned was this “Graffiti Tag” piece. The guidelines were very loose and we had a lot of room to be creative—exactly how I think art class should be. All we really needed to do was to display our names in a unique, colorful way using dimensional and creative lettering.

I feel like my project strayed away from the rules a little bit, but I’m still really happily with it. Like my art teacher says: if you have an idea that you’re passionate about that might not fit the rules exactly, it’s always okay to go through with it. Creativity is what’s most important!


Site Updates

Well, it’s certainly been a while since I’ve posted here.

The site probably looks a little different than the last time you saw it. That’s because I’ve made a few changes, and I’d like to share a bit about that.

First of all, I was just getting so tired of the old theme. I’m a lot happier with this new layout and design! Now, it’s much easier for me to showcase my artwork.

This new site update is part of an effort to broaden my online presence as an artist. I’ve created an art account on Instagram and I’ll be joining other social media sites soon.

Next, my baking is gone. From now on, I won’t be sharing any food on this site. But don’t despair! That’s only because I have my own baking blog now: So, if it’s food you’re looking for, go ahead and check that out.

That’s it for now, there’s more to come soon! You can look forward to frequent posts from me again in the near future.