Inktober Day 8: Teeth
This one was really rushed, since I was behind and had to do two today. I like the concept, but I think it could have been executed much better.
Inktober 2020 Day 7: Fancy
Inktober Day 7: Fancy
I can say with full confidence that adding that marker was A MISTAKE. If it had been a better marker, maybe a little lighter, too, I think it would be okay, but this one was terrible. Will not make this mistake again.
Haha—my mom was not a fan of today’s drawing.
This one was a little rushed…I had a lot of schoolwork today and did this really quick before dinner! I also got really tired of coloring in all that black my little micron. Getting new materials soon…?
I used a white gel pen to add some highlights on the fur. Definitely doing more of that in the future.
Inktober 2020 Day 5: Blade
Inktober Day 5: Blade
Trying out cross-hatching.
Inktober 2020 Day 4: Radio
Inktober Day 4: Radio
This might be my favorite Inktober drawing so far. Trying for a simpler, more modern approach.
Inktober 2020 Day 3: Bulky
Inktober Day 3: Bulky
I had fun with this one. Just piling more stuff on this poor guy. His face ended up looking a lot more miserable than I intended, though. I meant it to be comical but it seems more cruel. Whoops.
Inktober 2020 Day 2: Wisp
Inktober Day 2: Wisp
Whew! Two Inktober drawings in one day. I’m not really sure what I was going for with this one. The first thing I thought of was Brave, so I guess that was an inspiration.
I’m going to be honest, I don’t really like this one, but it was a good practice. The only good pen I have is a micron, and I was NOT going to color this whole thing in with that, so I just used a regular sharpie for a lot of it. And I hope that using watercolor isn’t breaking the rules—I thought it was close enough to an ink wash. Yeah, I think I need to get some more supplies if I want to get through this month.
Inktober 2020 Day 1: Fish
Inktober Day 1: Fish
First day of Inktober and I’m already behind…but here we go! I’ve never done Inktober before, but I’ve been meaning to do it for a while now and now I’m finally giving it a shot.
The theme of day one was fish, so I drew a betta. I’m not sure how I feel about this piece. I like the fins and tail, but the scales and shading are honestly kind of sloppy. But I’ve hardly worked with pen before, and not in a long time either. By the end of this I’m sure I’ll be much better.
Grandma Ruthie
My great-grandmother passed away two days ago. She was kind, caring, and incredibly strong. We will miss her dearly. Rest in peace, Grandma Ruthie.
Cat Sketches
Just some kitties I drew to practice exaggeration/stylization.