Artwork Traditional Artwork

Inktober 2020 Day 9: Throw

Inktober Day 9: Throw
It just occurred to me that I have no idea what this sport is. Some sort of…very intense catch?

Artwork Traditional Artwork

Grandma Ruthie

My great-grandmother passed away two days ago. She was kind, caring, and incredibly strong. We will miss her dearly. Rest in peace, Grandma Ruthie.

Artwork Traditional Artwork

Mirabelle and Avery

My friends made these two characters—Mirabelle and her son Avery—who I thought were just so adorable. The three of us each drew this same picture of them, and it was really cool to see how they each came out!

Artwork Traditional Artwork


“[I would like to be remembered] just as someone who did whatever she could, with whatever limited talent she had, to move society along in the direction I would like it to be for my children and grandchildren.”
~ Ruth Bader Ginsburg